Art Bin

Shelley Radovich

Little Estuary

Non-traditional floral and still life oil painting on canvas. Complimentary colors and graceful shapes characterize this painting.

Click on the above color patches to choose your mat or wall color.

Oil on canvas, created in 2011.
This painting measures 6 inches wide and 8 inches high.

This painting features a gallery wrap, so no frame is required. Please select either a black or white gesso finish on the edge of the canvas.

     $50.00 USD - Little Estuary - Oil on canvas - Black Gesso Edge
     $0.00 USD - Shipping
     $50.00 USD - Total


     $50.00 USD - Little Estuary - Oil on canvas - White Gesso Edge
     $0.00 USD - Shipping
     $50.00 USD - Total